Enabling Remote Administration of Queue Managers (QMGR)

Enabling Remote Administration of Queue Managers (QMGR)
Is it possible to connect QMGR remotely ?
Yes, It is possible to connect to a remote queue manager using a different transport protocol but the connection must go through another queue manager to which WebSphere MQ Explorer is connected.
To remotely administrate a queue manager, the queue manager must be running and flow the further procedure:
Step 1:
          Ensure that there is a running command server.
"strmqcsv <QMGR_Name>" Start command server
"endmqcsv" End a command server
"dspmqcsv" Display the status of a command server
Step 2:
  1. Create a server-connection channel to allow remote administration of the queue 
  2. manager over TCP/IP.
  3. runmqsc <QMGR_Name>
  4. define chl(Server_connection_Channel_Name) chltype(svrconn)
Step 3:
  1. Create a MQ TCP listener to accept incoming network connections.
  2. (Ensure that the listener is running)
