Defining Multiple TCP Listeners for a MQ Queue Manager (QMGR):

Defining Multiple TCP Listeners for a MQ Queue Manager (QMGR):

Is it possible to have more than 1 TCP Listeners for a same QMGR ?

The answer is: Yes, It is possible.

How it works and When it is implemented?

The TCP Listener is basically used to bind and connect to a QMGR.
When you have multiple Application, which needs dedicated connection to a QMGR, to manage their connections (can or can’t connect) in some case (e.g)
a)       Temporarily disconnecting certain application connection to the QMGR.
b)      Isolating the infected application.
c)       Isolating a certain applications connection during migration.


      It is preferred to use unique Queue names for different Application to avoid any conflicts. Apart from that this configuring Multiple TCP listeners for a QMGR won’t affect the message flow.
