Websphere MQ Cluster Issue 3: Applications get rc=2035 MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED when trying to open a queue in the cluster.

Applications get rc=2035 MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED when trying to open a queue in the cluster.


If your application gets MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED when trying to open a queue in a cluster, but the authorization for that queue is correct, it is likely that the application is not authorized to put to the cluster transmission queue.

Checks and Rectifications:


See MQS_REPORT_NOAUTH for information on using this environment variable to better diagnose return code 2035 (MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED). The use of this environment variable generates errors in the queue manager error log, but does not generate a Failure Data Capture (FDC).


See MQSAUTHERRORS for information on using this environment variable to generate FDC files related to return code 2035 (MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED). The use of this environment variable generates an FDC, but does not generate errors in the queue manager error log.
